Texas coach arrested after reporting prostitute who stole from him

Time for an episode of Friday Night Red Lights, brought to us by Rolando Ramos, a Texas High School quarterbacks coach who found himself in a sticky situation.

After allegedly trying to hire a prostitute, things apparently went from bad to worse when the lady in question decided to make a run for it — with $100 of Ramos's money.

So what does he do?

He calls the cops!!

Instead of getting his money back — unaware of the world's oldest profession's notoriously frustrating returns policy — Ramos got slapped with a misdemeanor charge of soliciting a prostitute. He was booked, faced with a $2,500 bond, and was out the same day, presumably not in time to make it to football practice.

The Laredo Independent School District wasted no time putting out a statement that they've placed Ramos on administrative leave while they wait for the legal system to do its thing. Disciplinary action is on hold, pending the outcome of the investigation.

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