America, I sure am glad we got that bad orange man out of office. Remember how people used to say he tweeted out mean, authoritarian things?
What was that thing again about the tweets?
The science of masks or the vaccine isn't the issue here: it's the fact that the President of the United States – a man elected to serve, not rule as a king – is telling us what rules we must follow if we want our "liberty" back.

Suffice to say, it touched a nerve with some peeps who quickly unleashed their inner Founding Fathers. Here were a few of the reactions:
Not to have his words confused, Biden (or the staffers that handle the internet for him) followed up his post with another, slightly softer tweet:
It garnered the same reaction:
Unfortunately, there were plenty of the faithful who asked Emperor Joe how they could possibly live knowing that somewhere out there, an unvaccinated person might sit next to them and they refuse to be near such vermin:
The mainstream media covered this negative reaction to our glorious Supreme Leader by letting us know that "Republicans" were "riled."