NPR is here to help the REAL victims of Russia's invasion of Ukraine ... Its audience.
· Feb 27, 2022 ·

When it comes to people being bombed in their homes, we far too often focus on the people who are being bombed in their homes.

What about the rest of us who have to hear about it? We need help, too.

Fortunately, NPR is there to report on the untold story of those left behind. Way, way behind, thousands of miles behind, in fact, who nonetheless find it troubling to hear about people who are not them being bombed in their homes.

Even after weeks of bracing for an attack amid speculation, global tensions and diplomatic attempts to stave off invasion — the reality of conflict is always a shock to the system.

Indeed it is. The reality is probably more of a shock to the people actually being invaded, but enough of that, we're talking about us now.

There are still so many more questions than answers.

Perhaps among the first batch on your mind: How did we get here? What does this all mean? Or maybe, What does this mean for my life? What can I do about it?

Note that these questions are not all that unlike those being asked by the Ukrainians being invaded. Perhaps among the first batch on their minds: "How do I feed my family?" "Will I ever see my husband again?" Or maybe, "I wonder if I'll live through the night?"

While we wait for more information, don't forget to care for yourself in other ways:

Breathe. If you're feeling your body contracting or overheating, step away from whatever you're doing and take a deep breath.

Surely the people of Ukraine can relate to the importance of breathing, although their difficulties probably stem more from having had a missile detonate outside their home than the stress caused by reading about someone having had a missile detonate outside their home.

Get moving. Do something that feels good for your body and helps you get out of your head.

Know what really helps get you out of your head?

MiG strikes.

Nourish yourself. The kitchen is a safe space for a lot of us.

See, we have so much in common with the Ukrainian people. They, too, need a safe space. Literally.

Maybe this is the weekend that you finally re-create Grandpa's famous lasagna, or learn how to make a prettier pie, or maybe just lose yourself in some kitchen organization. Don't have every ingredient for that lovely Deb Perelman dessert? Don't stress — we've got you covered on how to make food substitutions, simple.

Don't stress! There are many food substitutions for that lovely Deb Perelman dessert, like shoe leather (Helpful hint: Avoid tanned leathers) and certain types of edible weeds.

Stay connected. When the news is scary, it's easy to get lost in our own heads. Reach out to loved ones instead. That could look like sitting down to write an actual letter to a relative, spending time with neighbors,...

Or striking up a conversation with the 47 other people crammed into your bomb shelter!

Or sign off. Remember that it's OK not to be plugged into the news. By turning off your alerts or checking the headlines once or twice a day, you may be able to feel more grounded and prioritize yourself and loved ones.

When reading about other people's problems it's important not to forget that you can always just walk away.

And no one will even shoot at you!

Oh, sure, not everyone fully appreciated NPR's attempt to be helpful, providing their Tweet with a pretty hard ratio.

Many of these comments were rather uncharitable and seemed wholly unaware of the emotional impact this war is having on NPR's unhappy upper middle class audience.

I mean, sure, she looks like she's got some family issues she has to deal with, unruly kids, an emotionally distant husband, keeping heavily armed Russian soldiers at bay.

Hey, we all have problems, right?

Some people were more helpful.

And I'm sure, should the time ever come that we as Americans are called upon to be as strong and resilient as the Ukrainian people, that I can rely on NPR's audience to heed the call!

By curling up in a fetal position and practicing their breathing exercises.

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