Nutritional sociologist (whatever that means) says men eating meat “symbolically subjugates the woman”
· Oct 4, 2024 ·

Another day, another made-up expert in a made-up job making up nonsense.

The latest? Men eating meat is misogyny.

"What does our eating habits say about us? Martin Winter has researched it. Here he explains why women are more likely to be vegetarians than men - and what is sexist about meat consumption," reported German outlet Der Spiegel, sharing one of the worst ideas ever to come out of Germany.

(And that's really saying something.)

Here is a photo of Winter:

He says (keep in mind this is translated from German), that eating meat is a way that man shows his dominance - not only over nature, but women.

This isn't really anything new, of course. In 1990, The Sexual Politics of Meat was published, exploring a "relationship between patriarchal values and meat eating by interweaving the insights of feminism, vegetarianism, animal defense, and literary theory."

The New York Times called it "a bible of the vegan community."

Speaking of that community, can you guess Winter's diet?

Never change, vegans. We love the laughs!

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