It's just such a shame that there was no way — no way at all — that anybody could have ever anticipated this:
A [Virginia] male sex offender who announced last year in court documents that he now identifies as transgender is accused of using the girl's locker room at Washington Liberty-High School and exposing his genitals.
You're telling me that a pervert claimed to be transgender, used that claim to gain access to private women's spaces, and then did more perverted stuff??

I was told this never happened!
Oh, but it happened. And public school transgender policy is partially to blame.
As news reports detail, convicted sex offender Richard Cox "has a lengthy criminal record and has a history of exposing his genitals to children in public places."
And while he presumably wasn't legally allowed to be at the school given his status as a sex offender, he was still able to gain access to the girls' rooms under the explicit policy of the school system:
Arlington Public School's policy allows people to choose which locker rooms and bathrooms they want to use based on their gender identity, not biological sex, which is what allowed 58-year-old Richard Cox to use the girl's locker room multiple times at Washington Liberty High School.
Shocker: A policy that allows men to gain access to intimate women's spaces was exploited by a predatory male who wanted to harm young girls.
We're told repeatedly that this never happens. We're told that we need to respect the feelings and beliefs of grown men who claim to be women. We're told the safety and mental health of little girls must take a back seat to the desires of grown men to playact as women.
And this is what happens.

But folks, it is much worse than even that.
Though Cox was arrested in late October over the sex offenses, it turns out that the school system had been aware he was using the girls' rooms as far back as early September.
And though they had heard from alarmed community members about the incidents — including an instance of Cox standing in front of a doorway exposing himself to women and girls — this is the only thing they did to counteract it 👇
'In September, I hosted open office hours here in this building, and I heard from a member of the community who had concerns and shared their experience,' said [Arlington School Board Chair Mary Kadera]. 'Prompt action was taken based on the community member's feedback. We installed signage that reminds all pool patrons to be considerate of others, privacy, cover intimate body areas when using shared spaces, close shower curtains, and follow all locker room etiquette guidance at this time.'
So a male predator is openly preying on women and girls at a public school facility, and the school's response is to put up signs.
Lest it seem like this was just limited to one school — bad enough as it is! — let it be known that Cox exposed himself at multiple public facilities last year:
Arlington police say Cox is also facing charges for exposing himself in the women's locker room at Wakefield High School in Arlington in October and in November.
And Arlington police say Cox is being charged after visiting Arlington County's Barcroft Sports and Fitness Center where he allegedly exposed his genitals in a women's locker room in December.
This is the logical, completely-anticipated end result of transgender madness: A grown male sex offender using "gender identity" to gain access to women's spaces and abuse the women and girls in them.
Multiple community members, meanwhile, are demanding that school officials actually protect women and girls:
'I'm here to ask you to restrict women's locker rooms to women and girls.'
'Efforts to protect the safety of students and community covering intimate body areas is not practical or sufficient.'
'The only appropriate response to a report of an adult acting that way in the presence of children is to contact law enforcement and let them do their jobs. The appropriate response does not include allowing the conduct to continue happening for a period of months.'
'Why was signage and guidance the first response to the commission of sex crimes at our pools? How many times was a registered sex offender allowed to victimize pool patrons by exposing themselves in a locker room? Why did it take so long to identify the perpetrator as a registered sex offender and involve the police?'
Congratulations, transgender activists. You helped make this happen!
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇