It's an op-ed in the New York Times written by Joe Biden in 2016, after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia.
The first two paragraphs are quite interesting:
In my 36-year tenure in the United States Senate — nearly half of it as chairman or ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee — I presided or helped preside over nine nominees to the Supreme Court, from both Republican and Democratic presidents. That's more than anyone else alive today.
In every instance we adhered to the process explicitly laid out in the Constitution: The president has the constitutional duty to nominate; the Senate has the constitutional obligation to provide advice and consent. It is written plainly in the Constitution that both presidents and senators swear an oath to uphold and defend.
Let's zoom in and enhance that second paragraph:
Turns out Biden also said in a speech at Georgetown University that year:
"I would go forward with a confirmation process as chairman, even a few months before a presidential election, if the nominee were chosen with the advice, and not merely the consent, of the Senate, just as the Constitution requires."
Looks like he was in total agreement with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in 2016 that vacant SCOTUS seats need to be filled immediately, even in an election year.
That is all.