Oh man, Michael Knowles just delivered a masterclass in his answer to a wildly woke college student
· Apr 14, 2023 · NottheBee.com

All you nice conservatives who just want to be liked and don't want to offend people, cover your ears because Michael Knowles is about to make some very bold and offensive statements.

This woke college student wanted to challenge Michael Knowles and his assertion that men can't be women and that the whole gender spectrum idea is nonsense and, let's just say it did not go well for her.

This exchange is five and a half minutes long, but I encourage you to watch the entire thing because it is SO informative.

First off, the lady begins her question with a "land acknowledgment," which is a woke virtue signal where you proclaim that you are a better person because you appreciate that the land you're on once belonged to someone else.

It's just a way to say you're better than someone else.

Knowles mocks this fake virtue signal, but she uses it to get to her question.

The student brings up all sorts of historic examples of cross-dressing priests, priestesses, two-spirit folks, and eunuchs from all throughout history in all sorts of different cultures from Sumeria to Native American cultures, thinking that the fact that these people used to exist will completely stump Knowles.

But here's Knowles's non-PC answer that pretty much completely stuns the woman.

Student: When you say that transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely, I ask you Mr. Knowles, how can we eradicate something that has been here as long as humans have.

Knowles: Yeah, well, there have been all sorts of crazy terrible ideas for a very long time too. You're pointing to civilizations that committed human sacrifice, okay? You're saying that some ancient pagan tribe worshipped demons and that therefore we need to castrate children. That's not a good argument.

Yes that's true, there were all sorts of terrible tribes. As recently as a little over 500 years ago the Aztecs here in the western hemisphere slaughtered 80,000 people in a sacrifice to one of the demons that they worshipped in the span of four days. That's not a recommendation of doing that.

I can hear it now:

"That's not nice!"

"That's racist and xenophobic!"

"We need to be more kind and loving!"

Umm, no. Knowles is right. Other cultures doing something doesn't mean that our culture should adopt it. Obviously.

Of course, Knowles points out that our American culture in some ways is no better, embracing similar ideas such as child sacrifice through abortion and today's trans movement.

We're suffering from a similar evil today because we have strayed from God.

Knowles and the woman go back and forth before, eventually, she gets to the question that trans activists always pose: why do you care?

Here's how Knowles takes that one down:

This is what happens whenever you ask a transgender activist to explain even the basic premise of the movement. They'll immediately say, "Well, who cares? Why are you so obsessed with this?"

I'm not obsessed with this. I'm not the one who started sending men into the women's bathroom and started taking away their trophies and castrating kids. I'm perfectly happy with the way things have worked for thousands of years. It's the transgender activists who are trying to upend everything.

And so I think it is at least my right to ask the question, "ok, what is the premise of your movement?" But they always deflect from that, they always withdraw from the debate, they always try to change the subject because there is no answer...

You ask me, why do I even care? What's the purpose of knowing anyone's biological sex?"

Well for starters, because we have civil rights specifically for women in the United States. We have special bathrooms for women, we have special sports leagues for women, we have all sorts of special places, and rights, and privileges that are for women that are not for men.

So now if some men, people who at the very least appear to be men, are claiming a right to be able to go into those women's bathrooms then we either have to abolish all of the special rights and privileges that have existed for women for all of human history and are enshrined in our law, or they need to explain to me how those men are actually women.

And they can't do the latter and I'm not willing to do the former and I don't think women across the country are willing to do the former even if a few people have been so ideologically blinded that they would give in to this kind of absurdity.

It's not the nicest thing to say, but it's the most honest and loving thing to say.

Don't be afraid to speak the truth.

Bravo, Michael.

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