OOF: Biden's approval rating drops 11 points among DEMOCRATS in one month
· Oct 27, 2023 · NottheBee.com

So, team Biden's doing great, y'all.

Doing so great that Biden's approval rating AMONG DEMOCRATS has dropped a full 11 points over the past month, that is.

I guess that's what you get for alienating your progressive wing who support Hamas.

President Biden's approval rating among Democrats has plummeted to a record low of 75% — down a staggering 11 percentage points over just the last month, according to a new Gallup poll conducted between Oct. 2 and Oct. 23.

Bro, only three-fourths of the people in your party approve of you!

(That still seems a little high, honestly.)

That's a big oof, and it probably has a lot to do with the administration's response to the Israel-Palestine conflict. First, you've got a lot of progressives, especially young ones, who show support for Palestine. Then you have Arab-American Democrats, many of whom, also support Palestine.

Gotta say though, great job, Joe! You're really mobilizing the base as election season is about to kick off! Keep it up!

This part of the article got me good, though, especially the last line here:

Biden's approval in October's Gallup poll fell four points to match a record low of 37%, driven by his slide among Democrats and a four-point drop-off among independents (35%). His approval among Republicans remained steady at 5%.


For some reason, "remained steady at 5%" just tickles my giggle muscles.

Look for that 5% number to rise over the next couple of weeks, however, since we've begun dropping bombs in the Middle East.

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