Oops: US special forces accidentally stormed a cooking oil factory in Bulgaria during a live training exercise
· Jun 3, 2021 · NottheBee.com

Oh boy. I'd hate to be the guy who screwed this up.

Yeah, so it looks like the US Army was conducting military drills in Bulgaria on behalf of NATO. And the mission of the 173rd Airborne Brigade was to seize and secure the Cheshnegirovo decommissioned airfield.

However, it turns out there is a cooking oil factory right next door to the airfield, and on May 11th soldiers mistaken it for part of the mock battlefield. So they entered the building, weapons in hand, seemingly ready for battle.

Yup, no big deal guys.

Just running a military drill...


And check out this guy totally just chillin there like it's no big deal:

Doesn't move a muscle!

That guy's seen a lot in his day, I must assume.

Anyhow, the US Army Europe and Africa, probably very embarrassed by this point, released this statement after the incident occurred:

For the record, no one was injured during the drill. (Unless you count the souls of those poor soldiers who entered that private building by mistake.)

The cooking oil factory is going to press charges, as they should. Probably nothing bad would've happened here, but you never know.

One thing's for sure: this will NEVER happen again.

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