Do you ever wonder if government has gone too far?
I knew that the Taliban had taken over Afghanistan, but I was unaware that they'd moved in on the West Coast of America. Sad!
If you're vaccinated and looking for a smooch, now might be the time to visit Oregon.
I'm glad the writer at Fox sees the absurd humor in this insane story.
The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) on Wednesday revised its position on safe-dating practices during the COVID-19 pandemic and now says it is OK to get intimate with your date--as long as you've both been vaccinated.
"If you're both vaccinated and taking COVID-19 precautions, intimacy is likely to be safe," OHA wrote on Facebook.

These bozos are the ones we pay to monitor public health for us!
It was a striking change to the beginning of the pandemic last year when OHA released previous advice for daters in the time of COVID-19.
"You are your safest sex partner," OHA wrote at the time. "Kissing can easily pass COVID-19. Avoid kissing anyone who is not part of your small circle of close contacts."
Experts had also suggested virtual dating during the early stages of the outbreak.
I remember laughing at the time at the irony that super-lefty Oregon was basically advocating for intimacy to be reserved for monogamous, committed relationships.
I guess the five Oregonians who are still locked in their homes needed to be coaxed out by telling them they can date in-person again.
Other dating tips by OHA include meeting your love interest outdoors and wearing a mask in crowded public spaces. If your date has potential coronavirus symptoms, the date should be postponed for 10 days.
You can practically feel the romance!
P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐