For the last 24 hours or so, those on the left have been going gaga over a clip from Joe Biden being asked about Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, the primary threat to Democrats in 2024 who has been explicitly targeted by Jen Psaki and the White House the last couple of weeks.
In this clip, Sleepy Joe totally "disrespects" DeSantis and gains the adoration of leftwing Twitter by pretending to not know about DeSantis.
Oh man! Biden just totally pwned Ronny D! How will ever recover from such a diss?
Asked a question about Ron DeSantis, Biden simply responds "who?" This, of course, causes the left to go all "Biden's a gangster" and praise the shade thrown by the president.
Now, as many have pointed out, this is not quite the win the Biden sycophants think it is, considering that there are ongoing questions about Biden's mental acuteness.
Another important critique is that, obviously, Biden and his team are scared to death of DeSantis, as he has been the subject of the White House press briefings, being targeted regularly by the White House.
This, "I don't care about DeSantis" bit just doesn't work.
Well, today, our boi Ronny D got the chance to respond to Biden's flippant remarks about the governor, and he did so in what is quickly becoming the new Ron DeSantis fashion.

This is just an epic takedown of the incompetency of Joe Biden and his administration. It's just so wonderful to see a politician with this kind of backbone, standing up for his state and his constituents against the federal government's overreach.
In addition to Biden "forgetting" Ron DeSantis, his enemy #1, Governor DeSantis lists several other things Biden's forgotten.
Biden's forgotten about the crisis at our southern border, I can tell you that. Biden has forgotten about the inflation that's biting the budgets of families all throughout our country. Biden has forgotten about the demonstrators who are fighting for freedom down in Cuba. And Biden's even forgotten the Constitution itself, as we saw what he did with this moratorium.

DeSantis just knocks Biden the heck out. Landing blow after blow on the President, highlighting his many failures, DeSantis cleans Biden's clock, metaphorically speaking.
But it doesn't stop there. DeSantis is, after all, a politician, so he has to end this response by saying, "Okay Joe. I'll tell you who I am."
"I am the governor who protects parents and their ability to make the right choices for their kids' education. I'm the governor who protects the jobs, and businesses, and education in Florida by not letting the federal government lock us down. I'm the governor who answers to the people of Florida, NOT the bureaucrats in Washington.

I know, it's a long way to 2024, but I'm ready to call it now. President DeSantis. Make America Florida.
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P.S. While you're here, watch our latest video about gaffemaster Joe Biden's "most profound and inspirational quotes" 😆: