Man, I'm so out of the loop. I had no idea Oxford was trying to run with the cool kids now.
The viral term was crowned 2023's "word of the year" by the Oxford University Press, which it lists as a "colloquial noun, defined as ‘style, charm, or attractiveness; the ability to attract a romantic or sexual partner.'" It is believed to stem from the word "charisma."
OUP's decision comes after a year of rizz-related memes helped make it one of the most buzzy slang terms, particularly among Gen Zers …
Not sure why the second-oldest college in the world is out here stumping for random TikTok slang, but we're here now so now I have to teach you what "Rizz" is:
Yeah, that's Rizz. It's being so low-key cool that you have a gravitational pull. You're a natural alpha dog, like this little guy:
Guys use the term to prove they can attract girls with just their looks, but they also note there's a fine line between "unspoken rizz" and being a creeper:

On TikTok, the word "rizz" has more than 36 billion views.
Imagine if these people spent their time doing literally anything else. What a world we could have!
It's also frequently used in phrases like "rizz god" or "rizz king" to describe a person who is exceedingly charming or persuasive.
"Rizz god."
I'm just speaking out loud but if the end of the world came right now and we went out with "rizz god" trending, it'd be a good cap on the fall of civilization.
Like the typical millennial "boomer" that I am, I'll go ahead and start using "rizz" now since it'll probably not be cool anymore in like three days. If you're looking for me, zoomers, I'll be working on my rizz by the swim up bar. Feel free to roll your eyes before and after I demonstrate my rizz (and compliment you on yours).
Interesting note, my computer keeps underlining "rizz" in red, so I'm pretty sure that means it's not even a word.
I got rizz, but I ain't no dummy!
A few words "rizz" beat out:
"Rizz" beat words like "Swiftie," defined as "an enthusiastic fan of the singer Taylor Swift"; "beige flag," defined as a trait that is "not distinctly good or bad"; and "de-influencing," defined as "the practice of discouraging people from buying particular products."
I'm actually glad "rizz" beat "Swiftie." Apparently Taylor Swift is too yesterday to have the rizz (sorry, Travis).

Feel free to tell me I've at least got as much rizz as Piers Morgan does in this clip where he wildly embarrasses his coworker:
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇