This kind of story is horrifying and is unfortunately all-too-representative of so much of modern American education:
A Virginia mother has shared horrifying footage online showing the moment her 12-year-old son was strangled and bullied by an older girl on a school bus.
In the one minute-long video, that mother Taylor Brock posted on Monday, her son can be seen being hit by the girl and grabbed by the mouth.
The pair have a brief exchange when the girl begins choking the boy. Both are in the seventh grade at Whitman Middle School. His mother said the girl has a 60 pound weight advantage on her son.
Awful stuff, the sort of violent chaos that is apparently a daily part of so many schools these days.
And yet here's arguably the most shocking part of the whole story:
Now Brock says that a protective order she had issued by a Fairfax County judge against the girl following the attack is being ignored by teachers as her son regularly encounters his tormentor in school.
Uh, I'm sorry, what?

Maybe I'm crazy or old-fashioned or something, but it seems to me that if your kid gets violently choked by a much larger peer, it's time to pull your kid from the school. Like, right away.
Am I missing something here? What exactly is stopping this family from yanking their kid and putting him, even temporarily, in some sort of homeschooling or private-tutoring arrangement?
As a parent your first job is to protect your child, and that means getting him out of harm's way as soon as possible.