Pastor Robert Jeffress doesn't believe his support for Trump is connected to the fire that ravaged First Baptist Dallas, says the former president reached out to him
· Jul 21, 2024 ·

Here's an update for you, following the fire that completely destroyed the historic sanctuary of First Baptist Dallas on Friday.

Pastor Robert Jeffress, well known for his very vocal support of Donald Trump, says he does not believe the fire was connected to his political views.

I don't believe my support for President Trump has anything to do with this fire.

Dallas Fire-Rescue Interim Chief Justin Ball said on Friday night that investigators have not yet determined a cause of the fire one way or the other.

Ball said it appeared the fire 'may have started in the basement and moved up to the second floor' where firefighters first battled the blaze. As many as 100 firefighters responded to the four-alarm fire. 'Thank God [there were] no casualties,' Ball added.

The basement housed the church's library where the church's historic records were stored.

Jeffress indicated that President Trump had reached out to him following the fire with a note. He also offered up this word of encouragement:

Jeffress said "the church is not made up of wood and brick and mortars; it is made up of the people who are in that worship center."

The old sanctuary was built in 1890 and has been visited by multiple presidents going back to Woodrow Wilson, as well as other public figures and preachers such as Billy Graham.

A new sanctuary was built in 2013 to allow for more space.

The ATF and FBI are assisting in the investigation, but Jeffress said on Sunday morning that the building is still too hot for them to enter the property.

I'll leave you with this Fox interview with Jeffress:

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