Social media has really exposed a lot of people and institutions we used to trust in America, and no institution has been undermined by social media more than government schools.
All the time these days, we see teachers exposing themselves as anti-parent, anti-human haters.
This example is from a lefty teacher in Pennsylvania who left a comment on Facebook, stating her measured opinion on the Covid Vaccine.
Mollie Paige Mumau, teacher and NEA board member, commented on Facebook about someone receiving a religious exemption from a Covid-19 vax mandate, and it's safe to say that she is less than supportive of a person's right to choose when it comes to medical decisions.
Screw this guy and screw them all who are all about hiding behind religious exemptions because they don't want anybody to tell them what to do...
He and his ilk deserve whatever comes their way, including losing jobs, getting sick, and perhaps dying from the virus...
I don't know why the GOP doesn't just take those guns they profess to love so much and just start shooting all of their constituents who think this way. It would be quicker and ultimately safer than putting me and my friends and family at risk.

I mean, that's gotta make you feel good about sending your kids to government schools. A teacher who is on the board of the largest teacher's union in the United States is advocating for the deaths of those who have religious convictions about getting the jab.
Also, she's clearly a lefty when it comes to guns, since she says that these Republicans love guns so much, we should just shoot and kill all the unvaxxed to protect her friends and family... all of whom, I'm guessing, are vaxxed, considering that Mumau's Facebook profile tells us that she is "Team Pfizer."
So far, despite outcries on Twitter, the NEA has yet to address that one of its board members is publicly calling for the death of those who disagree with her about vaccines.
Isn't it just comforting to know that, potentially, hundreds of families are sending their children to school every day to be taught by this person? Isn't it just the most awesome thing that this teacher represents thousands of teachers through being an NEA board member?
Government schools are no place for children.