People are legitimately surprised that the Islamic Middle East would ban a Pixar movie featuring a lesbian kiss ๐Ÿ˜†
ยท Jun 14, 2022 ยท

So Disney's new Pixar movie is gay โ€“ like, super gay โ€“ and people are SHOCKED to find out that Islamic nations don't want to showcase its gayness.

Disney and Pixar's upcoming "Toy Story" spinoff "Lightyear" will be banned in 11 countries, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt.

The UAE's Ministry of Youth and Culture's Media Regulatory Office tweeted the order Monday saying the movie won't run due to its "violation of the country's media content standards."

Singapore has also banned children from seeing the movie over the lesbian kiss.

This was the typical woke reaction from people who understand nothing outside their little bubbles:

And here's some of the stars of the movie talking about how they want to colonize the Middle East by forcing the woke religion down its throat.

  • "There are places that have not 'caught up'"
  • "In the future..."

Think about those statements! Are they trying to impose their beliefs on another civilization and culture? I was told that is racist and imperialistic!

Dozens of media outlets picked up this story, which makes you wonder why it's important enough to be international news. It's almost like they're trying to shame the Middle East into capitulation.

Wait until the woke cultists realize Jews and Christians aren't going to watch the film, either!

P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐Ÿ‘‡

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