Yes, this is a real tweet:
It's from June, but I missed it because I'm not an insane person who spends time stumping for the mosquitoes on social media.
Look at how insane these people are:
This is what happens when you:
- Think that humans are only animals: That bugs should have the same rights as people because humans aren't made special in God's image
- Simultaneously long for the perfect world created by God in Eden
Why stop there, PETA? The mosquitoes need your blood to reproduce: By not letting them bite you, you deny them babies, you monsters!!
The PETA folks should move over to Africa. When I was in Ethiopia, I had to get my yellow fever shot but declined to take the preventative malaria drugs because they have really gnarly side effects.
When I was in the lowlands at night, I was way more afraid of mosquitoes than the hyenas that seemed to be everywhere.
Now imagine living your whole life trying to avoid the bug that causes 627,000 human deaths every single year and go re-read that PETA tweet.