If grooming were a contest, Philly and these AWFL moms would be the winners by a mile.
[Warning: Drag queens]

I am so done with this.
263 people showed up for an attempt to have the largest drag queen grooming hour event in history.
From CBS 3:
The Guinness Book of World Records was on hand to certify the crowd size at the National Constitution Center.
It was within sight of Independence Hall, where the Founding Fathers wrote that all are created equal and guaranteed unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
These moms think they're trendy and cool for exposing their kids to sexual perversion. These are moms pimping their kids out to dudes in dresses.
And then we have an organization like Guinness promoting and encouraging it. Like, Guinness didn't have to send their certified record guy out there. But they were fine tying their brand to this grooming and perversion.
It's honestly unspeakable that in our nation's founding city, we have so disgraced the founders of our country and the millions of Americans who came before.
Guys, it's only day 3 of Pride Month.
I don't know if I can make it any longer.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇