The Eufala Alabama Police Department recently responded to a 911 call from a homeowner who found a large snake coiled up in their toilet.

I'm not going to say calling the police is necessarily the most appropriate response to finding a snake in your toilet, but this definitely qualifies as an emergency.
I mean, just look at the size of that thing!
We never know from one day to the next what kind of call we will receive during our shift. Today was no exception, however a snake in the toilet wasn't on our list of possibilities.
The snake ended up being Gray Rat Snake, and I have it on good authority that rat snakes are "good snakes" but I certainly wouldn't be willing to stick my hand down a toilet to get it out.

The police department did not identify the victim of the trespassing.
Still, I'm willing to wager that it was a single woman because literally before I wrote this I found a frog in my toilet and I don't know if I would still be here to write about this if not for the fact that my husband had the presence of mind to flush.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇