Police say a woman in Washington State was buried alive by her husband and managed to dig herself out from her own grave
· Oct 21, 2022 · NottheBee.com

You may have had a bad day. In fact, today may have been the worst day you've had in a month or two. Everyone has those days.

But there's no way your day was this bad:

A Washington state woman who was allegedly buried alive in the woods this week by her estranged husband managed to escape to safety from the shallow grave, authorities said.

A Thurston County Sheriff's deputy located a frantic woman hiding behind the shed in a home's front yard shortly before 1 a.m. on Monday, according to a declaration of probable cause filed Wednesday in the county's superior court.

"My husband is trying to kill me," the woman screamed, according to the court document.

Luckily they nabbed the husband and are holding him without bail.

In the meantime, I'm thinking an adequate punishment for the guy might be...

Not permanently, mind you. Just long enough to let him see how it feels is all.

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