Police say the flying aliens attacking an indigenous village in Peru are illegal gold miners using jetpacks
· Aug 16, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Normally, I would dismiss alien stories as distractions, but this alien drama currently happening in Peru caught my attention.

The indigenous Ikitu tribe claims they have been beset by aliens attacking their village.

"These gentlemen are extraterrestrials. They look armored like the green goblin of Spider-Man. I have shot him twice and he does not fall, but rises and disappears. We are frightened by what is happening in the community," said Jairo Reátegui Ávila, leader of the town.

"Their color is silver, their shoes are round in shape and with that they rise. They are floating at a height of one meter and have a red light on the heel. His head is long, his mask is long and his eyes are half yellowish. With that they see you well and they leave. They are experts at escape."

Then of course there are the usual blurry photos, which makes it all sound like one of the usual hoaxes.

But then the aliens attacked and attempted to kidnap a 15-year-old girl. When the attempt was unsuccessful, they cut her (she's being treated for her wounds to her throat).

That's a little different from the usual blacked-out-and-got-probed alien stories.

With the attack on the young woman, police traveled out to investigate the claims, traveling nearly 10 hours by boat.

In their interviews in the area, they found Cristian Caleb Papaya, a professor who works in the community. Papaya witnessed the attack and attempted kidnapping of the 15-year old girl.

He offered a less cosmic explanation.

They would be using state-of-the-art technology, such as the thrusters that allow people to fly. In this case, according to Google, they are also called 'jetpacks' (propelled backpacks). We hypothesize that those gentlemen are wearing these suits to get to those places.

When showed pictures, the villagers agreed. The aliens looked like this:

That's a picture of a man using a flyboard like the one used at the French military display a few years back.

Peruvian authorities now believe that the "aliens" attacking the indigenous village are illegal gold miners using jetpacks to terrorize the people into leaving their village.

The government has been battling many such groups in the area because, as it turns out, the indigenous village and their land is full of rich gold deposits.

If the miners are indeed upping their game with flyboards, maybe the Peruvian government should do like the U.S. and other nations and start running jetpack drills.

Plus Peru has a lot of mountains and jetpacks have been tested in mountain rescues.

They are able to climb mountains faster than a helicopter and of course land safer than one too, so there's more than military application available to justify the costs.

Either that, or they need to hire a super-powered man, bitten by a radioactive spider, and send him into the jungle to stop these Green Goblin wannabes.

I'd be super excited with either choice!

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