October 9 is National Pro-Life Cupcake Day, and in today's upsidedown world that means you better not dare make your flavor of the day "Hey Cupcake" to honor the holiday like Kopp's Frozen Custard in Milwaukee did recently.
Yeah, this is a real thing to apologize for in 2022.
I kid you not, when I was on Twitter looking for the images below, I saw several people refer to Kopp's as a "fascist" organization simply for putting out a flavor of the day in honor of innocent human life.
So now being pro-life is equivalent to being Hitler!
Got it!
Here's what got Kopp's in trouble:
In came the woke mob: Uh oh, Kopp's, we're not talking about that! It's 2022, you can't be pro-life! Buncha fascists!
So here's Kopp's apology to its snowflake customers:
Again, all this because of a pro-life themed flavor of the day.
It just goes to show you how devoted lefties are to their death cult.
They literally won't buy a burger at Kopp's now because of this. And that's one of the best burgers you'll ever have. Some of the best custard as well.
I've gotta give it to Kopp's here and assume they're just apologizing to the mob because they have to in order to avoid your normal "mostly peaceful" lefty response.
Hopefully this apology will leave their storefront windows fully intact, their buildings without graffiti, and their staff in a safe environment.
Because you just never know what a lefty is capable of once they find out your business has the dignity to promote life in a world where death is so celebrated.
P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐