Prepare to gouge out your eyes as this crazy lady sings a Disney song praising Biden’s plans. Bonus: I go full Jordan Peterson about The Little Mermaid.
· Mar 25, 2021 ·

I'm only sharing this so you all can experience my misery:

If you haven't yet taken a red-hot poker to your eyes, you can walk through this insanely sycophantic pile of starry-eyed drivel alongside me.

Here are the full lyrics if you had to stop watching the video because your ears were bleeding:

Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?

Competent leaders getting us back on our feet.

The American Rescue Plan! It has almost everything.

A year into this mess, recovery unfolds.

How many wonders can one rescue plan hold?

Reading it over you'd think:

"Really? No Republicans voted for this thing?"

It's got direct relief to American families.

It's got a path to reopen our schools.

Cost of childcare?

Tax credits baby!

It's like they care!

It's a big [flowerbed] deal!

But wait there's more!

Don't you wanna be where the people are?

Don't you wanna go out dancing?

Having convos with those – what are they called again?

Oh yeah, friends!

Some folks thought we could reopen bars,

but good strategy is required to reopen safely.

Then, we can talk

Then we can hug our friends

And hug our family and our loved ones

It's exciting to see

A shift in ideology

A plan for our world!

This is what happens when you pledge yourself commie-style to a government you've made your god, then follow that god's demands that you stay inside for a year.


I wonder how individuals like this are going to react when they realize the majority of people have been hanging out with friends, going to restaurants, vacationing, and celebrating holidays since approximately April 1st of last year.

Also, hate to break it to ya lady, but Biden's whole plan is 90% the same as the Orange Man I can safely assume you think is akin to Hitler.

Of particular concern are the last lines.

It's exciting to see

A shift in ideology

A plan for our world!

My Global Reset senses are tingling!

Many of us have known for a long time that America's abandonment of God would have some pretty drastic social ramifications, but did we ever think it would cause so many to hand their liberties over to authorities like some sick case of Stockholm Syndrome??

What's funny is that this woman chose a song from Ariel in The Little Mermaid. But if you analyze that movie, you'll realize she has this whole thing backwards.

What Ariel longs for is to be freed from the restrictions of her father the king. What she ultimately learns is that her father's restrictions were born out of love, and her rebellious actions nearly destroy two kingdoms.

While there's a theological application of Ariel's father as a God-figure and her rebellion as an illusion to Eden, her father is a fallible creature in the story and learns – as Jordan Peterson might say – that there is a balance between totalitarian order and anarchist chaos that allows for free will.

In our case, the government is NOT our loving father who is wiser to the dangers of the world, especially when it comes to the ambitions of the woke political left.

The Left is the power-hungry witch seeking to overthrow the order (patriarchy) that the good father represents and replace it with an order of its own.

If you're going to make a comparison to the Disney film, this lady is like Ariel, but Biden is Ursula.

This lady and millions more have given their voices and freedoms to a witch in their belief that they will reach the life they want through such an exchange.

But when inflation due to insane spending, violence from the intersectional fractioning of society, and woke cancel culture hits, they'll realize just how bad of a deal that was.

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