President Biden activates 3,000 military reserve troops for deployment to Europe to defend against Russia 😬
· Jul 13, 2023 ·

Man I miss that guy who started no new wars.

From Biden's order:

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including sections 121 and 12304 of title 10, United States Code, I hereby determine that it is necessary to augment the active Armed Forces of the United States for the effective conduct of Operation Atlantic Resolve in and around the United States European Command's area of responsibility.

The order allows for up to 3,000 inactive reservists to be activated and sent to Europe. WaPo notes that the US already has around 80,000 troops in Europe.

"These authorities will enable the department to better support and sustain its enhanced presence and level of operations," said Lt. Gen. Douglas Sims, who is the director for operations on the Joint Staff.

This begs the question: Why are we calling up reservists? Do we not have enough troops in active duty to do the job?

The Daily Wire notes that 450 of these troops may be individuals who have already been out of active duty for several years:

Up to 450 of the troops authorized for activation under Biden's order can be pulled from the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) — which includes service members who are nearing the end of their enlistment contracts and are no longer required to attend regular drills and training.

But this quote from the Daily Wire is the real key, in my humble opinion:

Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder, a Pentagon spokesman, said Biden's new order unlocks the ability to call on National Guard or reserve forces to support Operation Atlantic Resolve and have them "be entitled to the same kind of benefits as their active duty counterparts."

Activating 3,000 reservists now gives Biden and the Pentagon a precedent to call up more and more troops. Like a frog boiling in a pot, Americans won't know they are in a war until it's too late.

(Biden said last year that we would not send troops or weapons, then we started sending weapons, then tanks, then cluster bombs, and now troops to the practical edge of the Ukrainian border.)

Only Congress can declare war, but past presidents have found very creative ways of conducting war without Congress's approval (the last time Congress declared war officially was in 1942).

Biden has lots of personal financial investment in Ukraine alongside his son. He bragged about getting a special prosecutor fired to that end. The warmongers see Ukraine as an avatar for opportunity, and a few hardcore boomers see their Cold-War fantasies of fighting the Ruskies being fulfilled through all-out war.

So what does Biden have planned? I'm not a prophet, so all I can do is pray that what I fear does not come to pass.

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