President Biden says he was vice president during the pandemic: "Barack sent me to Detroit to fix it!"
ยท May 20, 2024 ยท

Umm, can we please have a president who doesn't talk like a dementia patient again?

That would be nice.

When I was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic, and the thing that happened was, Barack said to me, "Go to Detroit and help fix it!"

So, Joe Biden was vice president from 2009-2016. The pandemic began in 2020. I'm not some big-wig fact-checker like the ones on Facebook and Instagram, but I think the president is a little off on his timeline here.

I THINK he's talking about the auto industry crisis and the recession during his vice-presidency, maybe, but in his head he seems to think that coincides with Covid AND that Covid happened when he was VP.

UPDATE: The libs are saying Biden was talking about the 2010 swine flu pandemic (which no one called "the pandemic"), but there's a little problem with that.

I'll let Outkick explain:

I'll play along with the blue-haired lesbians and this swine flu claim. Here's the problem for the dumb libs: Biden is directing the above comments delivered over the weekend at Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan[,] the guy on his right at the NAACP speech.

'Well, the poor mayor, he's spent more time with me than he ever thought he's gonna have to!' Biden said this weekend.

Duggan became mayor in 2014 and the World Health Organization says swine flu ended on August 10, 2010. Plus, Mayor Duggan said he didn't know Biden knew who he was until 2014.


NBA legend, Dave Bing, a black man, was the mayor of Detroit from 2009-2013.

So, either Joe Biden is once again just making up a story to sound good in front of an audience, or he's just senile and can't remember if he spent time with a black guy or white guy trying to solve swine flu in Detroit.

[End of update]

Do you think he even knows what year it is?

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