This is embarrassing. Completely embarrassing.
Supposedly, this guy's the President of the United States.
Yup, when President House Plant entered a meeting yesterday with wind-industry executives he was spotted holding this sheet of paper, presumably written by one of his handlers:
"YOU take YOUR seat"?!?!?
What is that?
I can just imagine Grandpa Joe going, "Who's this YOU guy and why's he sitting in my seat?"
And apparently they forgot to write on this fine document, "Don't hold this thing up backwards so the press can see it," because the big guy did just that.
Best outpatient president we've ever had!
Even worse, I have no idea what he's talking about or what it has to do with the wind industry when he shows off his instructions—and this takes up nearly half of his allotted two minutes:

I seriously can't.
This is our president, people.
And he's a literal puppet.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇