This California principal made it less than one week into the school year before he got suspended for inappropriate behavior
· Aug 21, 2024 ·

Principal Robert Nunes at Buhach Colony High School in central California made it not even a full week back at school before he did this with the school's mascot at a pep rally:

In California, they don't want to come out and say what they're seeing. Even Ryan Attebery, the father of a high school student at Buhach who posted the video online, said,

Do the kids know what's going on? Did anyone else get anything? I don't think they got it, but we all got it.

He posted the video so other parents could decide for themselves what was happening.

I'm sorry, but you don't have to read too much into this to understand what you're seeing. The principal is getting a lap dance from the school's mascot while the song "Pony" plays in the background (ride it, my pony), he simulates an orgasm with an explosion of confetti, then runs his hands down the student's body before twerking in his face.

Afterward, the principal yells into a mic, "What happens at Buhach stays at Buhach."

Yeah, I think we all "get it," including the students.

Even the Merced Union High School District understood it when they suspended the principal.

'This decision comes as part of our commitment to maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all students and staff,' [the district's director of communications Viviana] Fuentes said.

Nunes will also not be allowed to participate in any school-related duties or activities while the district is 'conducting a comprehensive review of the situation.'

Good. This is not what our kids need to be exposed to in school. Lord knows they already see enough garbage as it is.

Protect your kids, folks.

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