We live in clown world, my friends, where the people trying to save babies are labelled the bad guys and the anarchists who try to kill the people saving babies are considered the good guys.
If you missed it, on Sunday morning, the Wisconsin pro-life ministry Wisconsin Family Action had its offices hit by thugs with Molotov cocktails:
There were at least two Molotov cocktails (a comrade's weapon of choice!) at the scene, with the second having failed to ignite.
As usual, the left was slow to issue a condemnation of the attack, although Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers was forced to issue a statement saying baby murder would not be upheld by violence, but through "empathy and compassion."

Because the story blew up to the national level, the White House was also forced to issue a statement condemning violence, because, well, there are elections this year and they're way down in the polls, so the Dems can't just go around supporting the destruction of American cities like they did in 2020!
On Monday evening, Tucker Carlson had Wisconsin Family Action's president, Julaine Appling, on his show to discuss the situation further. Here's the clip if you have the time to watch:
On Tuesday morning, I had the honor of touching base with Wisconsin Family Action's executive vice president, Micah Pearce, who shared some of the absolutely vile messages that are flooding their office right now from the "empathetic" and "compassionate" left.
Here's a compilation of the creepy, disgusting messages they are getting.
[Warning: Language is censored, but content is disturbing]
Like I said, the people who want to save babies are now considered demons.
- "The evil you dispense in the world..."
- "Burn little Jesus freaks..."
- "You're following the f---ing devil"
- "I hope y'all burn with it"
- "I'm so thankful that the good Lord finally took action on people like you"
- "Go to hell, that's where you're going anyway!"
- "Whoever set that fire is a true American patriot"
- "Self-absorbed waste of human scum and filth"
It brings to mind these words of Jesus himself:
"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me." – Matthew 5:11
Pearce said that these messages have come on both the main office line and people's personal lines.
Most WFA employees have had [their] life threatened over the phone and we are collectively threatened more times than we can count all together. I have hundreds of screenshots.
Absolutely vile.
Elsewhere on the internet, the tolerant and compassionate left is doing its best to slander the enemies of Wokeism as vile heretics worthy of death. Consider this thread (content warning) that Pearce shared with me today.
A few choice comments:
These a---holes are trying to hurt, control, break or kill people by imposing their sh---- beliefs on everyone else. We've been trying for years to deal with this nonviolently. Are we surprised that it's starting to boil over?
They brought the violence, and they brought the hatred. Now, people are backed into a corner and acting in self defense, and those people are the bad guys? F--- that.
F---ing liberals. If you aren't going to stand up for yourselves against the g--d---ed Republicans, then get the f--- out of the way. All you're doing is taking up any space for legitimate action against these f---ing fascists...
Ah, yes, the conservatives – what with their belief in the right to life and strong families and rule of law and the fear of God – are the ones trying to kill people, and the advocates for killing babies are the ones who have "been trying for years to deal with this nonviolently."
Got it.
If abortion isn't safe neither are you is legit the best political slogan I have heard in years. Not sure if it's original but the first time I have heard it. It's a good opening for a militant response.
Fact: Abortion ends a unique human life. Not a potential life, not a group of semi-autonomous cells. A complete human life.
To call it safe is an oxymoron. Have fun with the slogan when you start Civil War 2.0.
I'm not a pacifist, bombing an office when there's no-one in it seems pretty compatible with pacifism to me. Property damage is not violence.
Did you hear that? You can burn down buildings, destroy livelihoods, and ruin property and it's totally fine if no one dies.
I think the most interesting bit is at the end, the "we are legion" message, which is obviously false, but is actually a call to action : it's an invitation to militants to form affinity groups with their local comrades [LOL] and start a widespread and decentralized assault starting next month.
Honestly I'm pretty sure the group who did it in Wisconsin was like one or two people max.
Ah, so the commie neckbeards are gonna launch an all-out war next month. Thanks for the heads up!
Meanwhile, that comrade might be wrong about this attack coming from "one or two people max" (I know, a commie being wrong is a surprise!). A group called "Jane's Revenge" has taken credit for the attack.
Here's the message posted by the group, which says they "are literally fighting" for their lives (all the babies are shouting "BRUH" right now).
These wokies have put together a fake narrative in their heads, stoked for years by the media and Big Tech, that they are going to die if someone doesn't let them kill their children.
What in the ultimate-level clown world are we dealing with when people legitimately think things like this?
The Wisconsin State Journal could not independently verify the statement or the existence of an actual group named Jane's Revenge. The Bellingcat journalist, Robert Evans, tweeted that the source who shared the statement with him "has a reputation for extreme reliability."
Madison Police spokesperson Stephanie Fryer said in a statement Tuesday that the department "is aware of a group claiming responsibility for the arson at Wisconsin Family Action and are working with our federal partners to determine the veracity of that claim." The FBI, which is helping to investigate the arson and graffiti at Wisconsin Family Action overnight Saturday, did not respond to a request for comment.
Well, of course the FBI has no comment. They're too busy putting together assassination plots for governors to pin on people deemed "conservative," looking thoroughly at garage-door ropes that look like nooses, investigating parents who disagreed with their school boards, as well as shooting the dog of guys who took pictures in the Capitol on January 6.
The more "moderate" left, meanwhile, simply believes that Wisconsin Family Action committed the crime itself – you know, because woke activists don't have good handwriting, apparently (probs a sign of white supremacy!):
[Language Warning]
Isn't it so funny how the "follow the science" and "stop disinformation" people immediately come up with conspiracy theories with absolutely no evidence, and then spread said theories unchecked like wildfire because Big Tech likes those unhinged ideas?
If only we had a term, especially over the last few years, to describe such illogical thinking (but then again, logic is another sign of white supremacy).
Maybe we could call it "mass formation psychosis"!
If you would like to donate to help these evil baby-saving monsters, you can do so here.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇