Trans protesters took over the Kentucky Capitol yesterday ... weird how no one is reporting on it
· Mar 30, 2023 ·

Yesterday, transgender activists stormed into Kentucky's Capitol building in Frankfort. They began shouting and chanting because of a transgender law the Republicans were passing, overriding the veto of Kentucky's radical Democrat governor.

Republicans in Kentucky voted to protect kids from transgender surgeries, hormones, and treatments, and these absolute weirdos were not having it.

Isn't that cute? The transgender Capitol rioters have their own Shaman guy!

The most effective method to get people to agree with you is to paint yourself in trans colors and then storm the state capitol while wearing literal devil horns!

It's weird how none of the mainstream media is reporting on this since the storming of capitol buildings by mobs means the overturning of America itself!

I thought these were sacred spaces! Why doesn't CNN/MSNBC/CBS/WaPo/The NYT care???

That's some persuasive messaging. Staging a "die-in" because the GOP is literally killing you by keeping you from mutilating and molesting kids.

According to local news, 19 of the protesters were arrested for trespassing after making this disgraceful scene.

And the bill did pass, banning trans surgeries on kids and banning schools from teaching pro-LGBT curriculum.

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