Dr. Brandon Andrew Robinson, Assistant Professor of Gender & Sexuality Studies is considering abandoning the whole idea of finals as he does not believe they are useful.
I'm sorry, did I say "he?" I meant "they."
Of all the personal pronouns we are required to adopt in this brave new world of woky wokeness, using a plural when you are clearly referring to a single person is my least favorite.
I consider it grammar appropriation.
A sociologist in gender/sexuality/childhood/edu/family at the University of Albany, Dr. Kate Averett, piped in having also canceled finals, but only because finals are, like, a lot of work.
What does it say about a field of study when your professors don't believe demonstrating proficiency in the subject is important?
I doubt Robinson would want to drive over a bridge built by an engineer whose professor didn't think the load-bearing final mattered.
And I'm pretty sure Averett wouldn't want a surgeon operating on her who passed her board exam because the proctor decided to just knock off early and give everyone 100.
But gender studies?