The deeper down science drills, ironically enough, the closer it gets to God.
The rules of physics, which are supposed to be written in stone (yes I did) and considered gospel truth (yes I did), are apparently being shaken up:
- A new study suggests subatomic particles called muons are breaking the laws of physics.
- This may mean a mysterious force is affecting muons, which would make our understanding of physics incomplete.
- It could be the same force that's responsible for dark matter, which shaped the early universe.
One of the most ubiquitous subatomic particles in the universe, the muon, seems to be misbehaving.
Or at least, it isn't behaving the way physicists expect. In fact, muons are deviating so much from what the laws of physics suggest that scientists are beginning to think their playbook is either incomplete, or there's some force in the universe we don't yet know about.
Oh but some of us do š
Muons are like fat electrons: They have a negative charge but are 207 times heavier than electrons. Thanks to their charge and a property known as spin, they act like tiny magnets. So when muons are immersed in another magnetic field, they experience an infinitesimal wobble.
But in a study released this week, physicists at the Fermilab in Illinois reported a discrepancy between how much muons should be wobbling and how much they actually did wobble during a lab experiment.
The difference is substantial enough that many scientists are convinced particles or forces we haven't yet discovered must be involved. The finding, in other words, offers new evidence that something mysterious has played a role in shaping our universe ā something that's missing from the existing rules of physics.
"In this respect, the new measurement could indeed mark the start of a revolution of our understanding of nature," Thomas Teubner, a theoretical physicist from the University of Liverpool and co-author of the new study, told Insider.
Read the whole thing; it's fascinating.
"A mysterious force" ... "some force in the universe we don't yet know about" ... "the start of a revolution of our understanding of nature" ...
We human beings are such fascinating creatures. We come up with scientific rules based upon things we observe, we call them iron-clad and unquestionable, we congratulate ourselves for being so great and smart and powerful ... and then we discover something else that negates those rules, and repeat the process all over again.
At the root of everything we're trying to discover is God, and his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.
For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authoritiesāall things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
āColossians 1:16ā17