Canada's dictator-in-chief has just come down with the Wu-Flu again!
This, despite receiving 4 doses of the Covid-jab.
But don't worry guys, he's doing okay all because he got the shots. Getting the virus you're immunized against multiple times is totally normal!
It would have been SO much worse if he hadn't gotten 4 shots of a totally safe and very effective vaccine.
You'll recall, Trudeau claimed to have come down with the Rona earlier this year when he was trying to hide from the trucker convoy in Toronto.
And the fact that he got the Wu-Flu again so quickly might mean he wasn't actually being truthful about having the disease the first time when he used the sickness as an excuse to go into hiding for a couple of weeks.
Trudeau is a menace to society, and he continues to try to force his society into subjugation.
And he will continue to use Covid-19 as a tool even as he himself continually gets vaxxed and still gets the disease, and continues to recover.
Come on guys, if you don't get the fourth jab you might get Covid like quadruple-vaxxed Trudeau.
Trust the science!
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇