Move over China, North Korea, and Australia!
There's a new authoritarian dictator in the race, Quebec Premier Francois Legault!
Yesterday, the premier announced (in his awful French Canadian accent) that those who refuse to be vaccinated for Covid-19 will have to pay a "significant" penalty as a "health contribution" fee.
And don't just think it's going to be a few bucks!
He made it clear that a measly $50 or $100 fee would not be meaningful.
Meaning... he will make your life as difficult as possible until you submit.
"The vaccine is the key to fight the virus," Premier Legault stated. "This is why we're looking for a health contribution for adults [who] refuse to be vaccinated for non-medical reasons."
"The vaccine is the key to fight the virus," you say?
Oh, the vaccine that doesn't stop transmission?
This totally has NOTHING to do about control and finding another tax to slap on Canadians, right??

CTV News Montreal reported:
The tax would apply to all adults in Quebec who refuse to get their first dose of the vaccine "in the next few weeks," according to the premier. People who have medical exemptions to vaccination will not have to pay the tax.
The unvaccinated "will have a bill to pay because there are consequences on our health-care network and it's not up to all Quebecers to pay for this," the premier said.
"It's a question of equity because right now, these people, they put a very important burden on our health-care network. And I think it's normal that the majority of the population is asking that there be a consequence," he continued."And yes, we will continue to look at spreading the use of the vaccine passport, but I think we have to go further."

I feel like I'm a broken record but this is seriously getting out of control.
I remember back in June 2021, I "snuck out" of Ontario (my home province) to "sneak into" the next province when provincial borders were closed due to Covid.
I escaped Ontario just to be able to sit on a patio and have a meal with friends in Quebec. Quebec at the time was more open than Ontario... but now Quebec is even worse!
Is there anywhere in Canada for me to run away to???

French Canadians are back in lockdown and now have a 10pm curfew.
They had a recent "major civil rights victory" when Quebec actually allowed dog owners to walk their dogs past 10pm, in a 0.6 mile radius of their homes.
Oh thank you, ma lords!

Unvaccinated Canadians are not even allowed to board a plane.
Even though some of you are struggling finanically, mentally, and emotionally, (after losing your job due to vax mandates and being vilified for the last year) they're gonna take your money too! Whatever is left of it.
All in the name of your "hEaltH aNd SaFeTy"!
P.S. Now check out our latest video π