Rashida Tlaib is out here urging climate activists to be "much more aggressive" in their "direct action" to bring an end to fossil fuel ๐Ÿค”
ยท Jun 20, 2023 ยท NottheBee.com

Okay, flip the script here a moment.

Imagine I told you that a Republican congresswoman just said that pro-life activists should be "much more aggressive" and take more "direct action." How would the media cover it? What would happen to that person?

In another example of the double standard, Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan did exactly that and no one in the mainstream media cares.

See, we still have access to oil and coal. Energy is still relatively cheap. It's still fairly easy to heat your home, power your appliances, and, well, live without dying due to heat, cold, starvation, or disease.

Climate cultists really don't like that. So don't be surprised to see a lot more of violent leftist rhetoric in the near future.

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has urged climate activists to be 'much more aggressive' as they plan a campaign of blocking highways and chaotic protests later this summer[.]

Tlaib, a member of the hard-left "squad" of Democratic female legislators, urged "some 125 hardliners from Climate Defiance, Declare Emergency and other environmental groups" to consider upping the ante in their extremist activism efforts.

"We have to be much more aggressive in regard to fossil fuel expansions," she said, arguing that if they "don't get the policies we need, if our legislative process is failing us, then direct action gets the goods."

"Direct action" is code for "proactively disrupting society in increasingly violent ways in order to block people from accessing safe, affordable energy." Groups like "Climate Defiance" are run by true believers of climate hysteria, the kind of people you think you can and should move the world to 100% renewable energy in five years.

Like I said: Don't be surprised by any of this. It's coming. And it's going to be ugly.

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