We can reasonably assume that any Democrat who doesn't see the writing on the wall about ongoing COVID insanity must, at this point, be looking for an easy way out of office in November.
Case in point: Democratic polling firm Impact Research's clarion call for Dems, one all but begging them to understand what they've gotten themselves into.
Here's the letter in full:
Reading it by itself is instructive enough. Here, we offer some CliffsNotes to help you fully grasp what the letter is asking of Democrats:
- Please stop acting like COVID is the bubonic plague and we're all going to die from it. It's not and we're not. Stop pretending like it's the worst disease in the history of the entire world. Stop wearing your mask outside, alone, while standing nineteen feet from everyone else. Just stop.
- People are sick of your hysteria. They're absolutely, relentlessly sick of it. Most people have learned how to live with COVID. Aside from a few truly unfortunate Karens and Chuckies in Democratic strongholds, the vast majority of the country is already back to something resembling normal life and has been for some time. Stop trying to keep the Spirit of March 2020 alive. Above all, stop shaming and demonizing people for living normal lives.
- Stop pretending like we can "eradicate" COVID. That was always a fantasy—always, always, always. It could never be stopped. It's a highly transmissible respiratory virus that was only discovered well after it had begun spreading throughout the global population. You were never going to be able to get rid of it. Move past your incredibly juvenile perception of epidemiology.
- Stop scaring your constituents with threats of an endless, ceaseless pandemic nightmare. We know: You enjoy frightening your people with tales of "never going back to normal," and "keeping these restrictions for a long, long time, maybe forever." Oh, man, please stop that. People hate you for it. They're sick of it and they're not going to put up with it much longer.
Now, the question is, are Democrats going to be able to abide by these suggestions in numbers large enough to make a difference in the midterms?

Can't wait for the midterms, it's gonna be one for the history books!
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇