Read this A+ megathread of the CDC's recent failures and why the agency has to be shut down
· Nov 3, 2022 ·

Dr. Vinay Prasad is a medical professor at UC San Francisco and a guy that normally would be in favor of medical oversight organizations like the CDC. However, as he explains in this long and detailed thread, the organization has completely discredited itself in its response to Covid where it got, essentially, EVERYTHING wrong.

Read every single word of this thread.

Nothing about the Covid response was correct. None of it was scientific. It was all government bureaucrats making things up in order to ensure their own continued power.

The people responsible for the lockdowns, the masks, purchasing and using Remdesivir, and lying about the risks of the shot – they all need to be held accountable and their organizations completely destroyed.

I am more pessimistic than Dr. Prasad. I don't think the CDC will ever actually be held accountable or defunded.

But that doesn't mean we shouldn't fight for it every single day.

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