No jail time?
A trans-identified male in Kentucky will not be sent to prison despite pleading guilty to sexually abusing a baby while working at a daycare. Maria Childers struck a plea deal after hiring a trans activist lawyer to represent him.
According to Reduxx, a trans daycare worker, a man who "identifies" as a woman, sexually abused a BABY and got out of court with no jail time.
This is KENTUCKY we're talking about!
[Disturbing details ahead]
Reduxx has now obtained court records detailing the full complaint against Childers, which showed that he was accused of both physical and sexual abuse while employed at the daycare...
According to witness testimony, a co-worker had asked Childers for assistance in changing an infant's diaper. While Childers was cleaning the baby's genitals, the co-worker noticed that the infant appeared to be in distress and asked Childers if he was hurting the baby. She then witnessed Childers rub the infant's genitals in a 'circular motion,' while saying 'that was her clit area and she likes it. It just made her day.'
While Childers was reported to management at the Academy, he was only given a 'write up.' Police later learned that Childers had also been accused by other co-workers of leaving the children in high chairs for 'hours' without care.
If you heard about an average Joe who molested a baby on the changing table - would you assume he would go to jail? Yes or no?
Would this man have gotten an actual punishment if he weren't pretending to be a woman, and if so, what does that say about the justice system?
While Childers was initially marked as a 'male' by both police and the jail, internal documents obtained by Reduxx reveal that his recorded sex was later switched to "female" by the McCracken County Jail.

Childers hired a trans-activist Democrat politician in Kentucky named Madison Leach (who is also a male that pretends to be a woman).
First, Leach petitioned for the bond on Childers to be dropped from $100,000 all the way to $5,000 because - GET THIS - Childers couldn't access ESTROGEN in jail.
And the court agreed!
(Again, to my earlier question: Does our justice system give special treatment to those with gender dysphoria, and if so, what does that say about the system?)
Now to the plea deal:
On January 29, 2024, Childers struck an apparent deal with prosecutors. In exchange for a guilty plea, his charge of 1st Degree Sexual Abuse of a Victim Under 12 was amended to Class A Misdemeanor Sexual Misconduct, and the remaining abuse charges were dropped.
Childers was handed a 12-month penalty, but the Judge withheld sentencing and imposed a conditional discharge for 6 months.
If Childers abides by the conditions set by the court during the 6-month period, he will not serve any prison time at all, and may not even receive a criminal record.
The guy was witnessed sexually touching a BABY, pled guilty, and got off with a misdemeanor and no criminal record.
Is this justice?
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇