Report: President Biden is considering bringing refugees from Gaza into the US
· May 1, 2024 ·

Man, our government must really hate us.

Ahh, yes. We don't have enough problems in the US right now, let's bring in people displaced because of a war that's already causing major unrest in the country.

How could this go wrong?

Top U.S. officials have also discussed getting additional Palestinians out of Gaza and processing them as refugees if they have American relatives, the documents show. The plans would require coordination with Egypt, which has so far refused to welcome large numbers of people from Gaza.

Those who pass a series of eligibility, medical and security screenings would qualify to fly to the U.S. with refugee status, which offers beneficiaries permanent residency, resettlement benefits like housing assistance and a path to American citizenship.

Yeah, this would include a fast track to American citizenship! Because of course, it would!

Why shouldn't everyone be an American citizen? Especially people who ... hate America?

(Here's the link to that poll)

Needless to say, the Biden Admin doesn't seem to care that these refugees have to pass through like 20 other countries to get to the US. We're the only ones willing to take them in, and that includes EVERY MUSLIM NATION ON THE PLANET.

While many Democrats would likely support the move, admitting Palestinians as refugees could spur even more political challenges for the Biden administration related to the Israel-Hamas war. The conflict has already exposed rifts within the Democratic Party, triggered massive protests on college campuses and divided communities across America.

The absolute worst.

However, there is one refugee program I could get behind.

(It's not gonna be the Christians, is it?)

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