Republican Senate Candidate In Pennsylvania, Dr. Oz, Refuses To Answer When He Thinks Life Begins
· Dec 16, 2021 ·

Dr. Oz is branding himself as a conservative, pro-life Republican in his US Senate run in Pennsylvania.

But, when pressed on the issue by Fox's Will Cain, Oz refuses to answer the question of when he thinks life begins.


Oz: "If I'm pro-life then that goes back to the sanctity of when you think a life does begin. And I believe it begins when you're in the mother's womb."

Cain: "In the mother's womb? Well that brings you all the way up to 9 months of pregnancy."

Oz: "No, of course not. Life has already started when you're in your mothers womb. It's a rat hole to get trapped in the different ways of talking about it. We need as a nation to make sure the Constitution is appropriately followed and people like me, and you may be in the same camp, who are pro-life have our feelings respected. This is something that shouldn't be taken away from us by judiciary legislating from the bench."

Soooo, basically, Dr. Oz is refusing to give an actual answer.

He's asked when he believes life begins. He gives the vague answer "in the womb" and then says getting into particulars is going down a "rat hole".

His concern isn't with what the actual science says about the beginning of life, even. He says that pro-life people need to have their "feelings respected."

If he actually believed life began in the womb, he would know this has nothing to do with the feelings of pro-lifers. It has everything to do with the killing of a human child.

It's just repeating pro-life buzzwords and phrases from a decade ago.

And that's not a shocker, considering that Oz, if he's being honest about being pro-life, has as recently as 2019 been on the other side of the argument.

He literally parrots the "personally pro-life but politically pro-choice" argument from Mario Cuomo.

He supported Roe v. Wade in 2019! What's the change, other than the fact that he wants to run for Senate and has to run as a Republican because he doesn't toe the line when it comes to Covid?

This sort of obfuscation and weak-kneed response will have Dr. Oz fitting right in with many of his Republican colleagues, unfortunately.

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