This is the kind of video that, at first glance, seems like a complete and total fake. But it's very much real:
Researchers from the Public University of Navarre's UpnaLab and the University of São Paulo, in Brazil, propose the use of acoustic levitation as a way to complement the rapid additive manufacturing techniques many industries now rely on, from amateur hardware hackers to aerospace engineers. The team created an acoustic levitator that can generate acoustic fields capable of trapping and holding elongated objects like sticks and other materials, and then attached it to a robot arm that allows these objects to be accurately positioned and assembled onto a larger structure without any physical contact.
Okay that's all well and good, bla bla, major implications for countless industries, yadda yadda. But we're all thinking the same thing and we know it:

Be sure to wear ear protection though, I can't imagine those sound waves are very quiet!
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇