This brave mama bear came back at her superintendent with the receipts!
Watch this mom show up at a school board meeting in Prince William County, Virginia confront the superintendent about her lies regarding masking kids in school.
We play politics with kids' faces by placing restrictive fabric over their nose and mouths, that the CDC itself has said don't do anything. And it's "for their safety."
This is asinine. This is blatant political theater and it needs to end.
This, already, is good stuff. It's great to see parents stand up to government administrators who are bullying their kids.
Then Mama Bear goes for the throat:
On November 15th of last year, I had the privilege of speaking with Dr. McDade for ten minutes following the CRT townhall meeting.
During that discussion, which was friendly and cordial, I asked what she, as superintendent, could do to get the kids out of masks.
Dr. McDade told me she would if she could, but that her hands were tied by then Governor Northam's executive order mandating face coverings- [crowd oohs] - and if it weren't for that, things would be different.

I just love how, at this point, the entire crowd erupts into an "ooooh!" exclamation.
Northam implemented a mask mandate, and now Governor Youngkin has reversed that mandate. The superintendent blamed the Northam mandate, saying she wanted to end the masks but couldn't.
And now she's continuing this policy IN DEFIANCE of the new governor.
What an absolutely disgusting liar.
Mama Bear goes on:
Well, tonight things are different.
And I'd like to ask you, tonight, Dr. McDade, what has changed? And what do you plan on doing now that your hands are untied?
In fact I'm asking all of you to step up the way other leaders who have ended Covid restrictions by the day, when will you? What will it take?
You are on the losing side of history and it's time to make that right before these children now!

Hold them to account. Kick these liars and cowards out of office.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇