Right Wing Watch is absolutely scandalized because Speaker Mike Johnson talked about being called to lead like Moses
· Dec 9, 2023 · NottheBee.com

There's nothing quite as terrifying to The Left as a Bible-believing Christian who is willing to live out the tenets of his faith in public life.

In this speech, newly elected Speaker of the House Mike Johnson talks to a Christian audience candidly about how he felt led to become a leader of the conservative movement in what he calls a "Red Sea" moment.

This guy TERRIFIES The Left:

Right Wing Watch, a bunch of discount Media Matters wannabes, thinks that a Christian talking to other Christians in Biblical terms which everyone in the room understands is a tremendous threat to the country.

The Lord began to wake me up through this three week process (to select a new Speaker) we're in, in the middle of the night, to speak to me. To write things down, plans and procedures, and ideas of how we could pull the conference together.

Now, at the time I assumed The Lord is going to choose a new Moses and, Lord, thank you, you're going to allow me to be Aaron ... The Lord kept telling me to wait, wait, wait, then it came to the end, The Lord said now step forward.

Okay, so this is a little bit charismatic for me to be overly comfortable with it.

BUT Johnson is talking in a way that doesn't surprise or shake many Christians at all.

He's not saying that he's LITERALLY Moses. He's saying that God allowed him to have this position of great esteem and authority and that he's humbly accepting his duty.

This isn't Johnson bragging, or him seeing crazy visions.

This is the kind of rhetoric Christians in public life have used throughout modern history until about 30 years ago when we were convinced that secularism should be the new state religion.

This is the dangerous Christian Nationalism everyone is warning you about!

The Left has no clue what the average Christian believes.

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