On Friday, the day Christians have been waiting for for decades finally came and Roe v. Wade was overturned in the United States supreme court.
Christians of all denominations celebrated and publicly praised God for his mercy and faithfulness.
However, Russell Moore, Christianity Today's public theologian and one of the leading voices of the increasingly woke "Big Eva" gang, has been not-so-mysteriously silent on Twitter since the Dobbs decision came down.
It has been nearly a week since the glorious news dropped, and nothing has been said by one of the largest Christian publication's public theologians.
I am sure Russ is just taking time to come out with a statement filled with important "nuance."

Oh, and there's more.
Not only has CT and Moore been silent about the repeal of Roe, they released a "special edition" podcast after the Dobbs case which wasn't ACTUALLY after Dobbs.
From The Federalist article Sean is referencing:
A little online searching shows one "bonus episode" from "The Russell Moore Show" on Christianity Today (where Moore holds the title of public theologian) that came out the day of the Dobbs ruling, advertising "A Conversation with Stephen Prothero on Culture Wars Now That βRoe' Is Gone."
But the episode didn't occur after Roe was "gone"; it was a pre-tape from after the Dobbs draft opinion leak speculating about what might come next, meaning Moore has offered no post-Roe analysis. And his guest, a religion professor at Boston University, has spent the days since the Roe reversal telling Christians to "f-ck off" on Twitter and retweeting political graphics depicting conservative Supreme Court justices as Tiananmen Square tanks about to mow down a pregnant woman. Christianity Today didn't respond to multiple requests for comment about why the pre-taped podcast was dishonestly framed as post-Dobbs commentary.
The very winsome and nuanced Moore has said nothing about the case, and his buddy that he had on the podcast has spent the time since Dobbs chastising Christians for celebrating the pro-life victory.
And Moore is supposed to be the face of evangelicals?
I am sure we will get a piece from Moore soon about all the issues surrounding the case and why Christians need to be more winsome and not judge those who want to murder their children.
The talking points are coming together slowly, but rest assured YOU evangelicals are going to be the bad guy for being happy that children will be saved from abortion.
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