Sad: Nearly half of college students wouldn't room with someone who voted for the opposing candidate in 2020
· Aug 19, 2022 ·

Welcome to Snowflake University, ladies and gentlemen:

Yes, you read that right, "nearly half of rising college sophomores say they likely wouldn't choose to live with someone who supported the opposing candidate in the 2020 presidential election."

Now that's just sad!

And you can guess which kind of students are leading the way in this trend, can't you?

You got it, it's those darned snowflake libs, a full 62% of them, who say they wouldn't dare room with one of those pesky Republicans.

71% of Republican students answered, yes, they would room with a snowflake if it came down to it. They'd have to censor themselves all year, of course, which is natural for Righties on college campuses, but fair is fair, like it or lump it.

More from the NBC poll:

  • 53% said they would probably/definitely not go on a date with someone who supported the other side in 2020.
  • 63% said they would probably/definitely not marry someone who supported the other 2020 candidate.

73% of Democrat voters polled from the class of 2025 said President Biden shouldn't run again, while 27% believe he should run.

  • 57% of Republican voters polled said they thought former President Trump should run again.

73% of Dem students said Biden shouldn't run again!

Hey, at least these kids got something right.

By the way, only rising sophomores, the class of 2025, were polled by NBC here. And it looks like they're made up mostly of snowflakes.

But what did you expect?

Last thing: I know it's wrong of me, but after seeing this poll I definitely want Trump to run again in 2024.

He really brings out the best in the snowflakes, doesn't he?

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