Sad! Squad member Cori Bush just lost her primary. Let’s review some of her “greatest” moments.
· Aug 6, 2024 ·

First Jamaal Bowman, now Cori Bush! Squad members and their allies are falling left and right!

Let's take a trip down memory lane to remember one of the very worst representatives in American history.

The congresswoman from Missouri was a big proponent of defunding police departments, even as crime rose in her own district. When it came to light that she was using her own private security to the tune of over half a million dollars, she said she had work to do!

Bush often struggled with understanding concepts like income tax and basic math:

Despite being pro-abortion, Bush said she changed her mind while aborting her own child but the abortionists ignored her:

Bush regularly called everyone and everything racist, making everything about white supremacy.

Bush's pricey security was probably the best in the world, considering it was run by a 109-trillion-year-old genie from a lost tribe of Israel:

Bush also claimed to miraculously heal people, a claim that zero reporters pushed back on:

When it came to light that she is being investigated for the misuse of campaign funds, she blamed those pouncing Republicans.

Bush also refused to condemn Hamas. Heck, she didn't even want to ban Hamas members from moving to America!

But don't worry - leftists only fail upwards!

Ilhan Omar's primary is next week. Can't wait to see if she gets booted too!

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