AOC is "confused" as to why JD Vance is sitting like this ๐Ÿ’€
ยท Aug 6, 2024 ยท

It's been a fairly slow news day, so thank the Lord that AOC decided to tweet.

Yes, this is a real discussion that a U.S. representative from New York wants to have with a senator from Ohio who is running for vice president of the United States.

Give AOC a little credit.

She knows exactly why Vance is sitting that way.

She doesn't need the helpful reminder in the comments that men have different physiology than women and therefore sit and move in slightly different ways (especially in cushioned, laid-back chairs), nor does she need a lecture on how men experience great discomfort when they try to sit like women.

(Well, most men)

No, AOC's point is that JD Vance is unrefined and chauvinistic and above all else, weird.

It's a predominantly female tactic to try to undercut your social rivals by making them feel like the oddball (and getting everyone else to believe it). Instead of focusing on skills, education, policy, and leadership capacity, we're going to go full "Mean Girls" or "Bride Wars" and try to make our opponents seem like nerds and freaks.

I guess AOC is just doing what comes naturally to her.

But if she's going to call out Vance for manspreading, maybe she should stop doing it herself!

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