San Diego teachers forced to attend trainings in which they are called racists, and that's not all.

Planet Moron

Dec 4, 2020

Welcome to white privilege training.

In the Chat:

"What would you want to say to someone who tells you this?"

The possibilities are... staggering.

Note the use of language. These things are carefully vetted, every word chosen with purpose.

Not, "What would you want to say to someone who accuses you of this," not even the benign, "What would you want to say to someone who says this."

It's "What would you want to say to someone who tells you this," because it's assumed, because that is the premise of the training.

These leaked documents from an alleged San Diego Unified School District training on "white privilege" are astounding. Let's take a closer look.

It begins a little off-topic, an "acknowledgement that we meet on stolen land."

It's an acknowledgment, not a discussion point.

"We must acknowledge the hidden history of violence against Indigenous peoples in an effort to move towards justice."

Well, we're certainly starting off on a positive note! I'm already feeling less racist.

They even include a helpful map of indigenous people's territories.

That looks like a recipe for peaceful coexistence if I ever saw one. And yet, it looks oddly familiar.

But those were filthy Europeans, not these exoticized beings whose elevation to near sainthood in no way robs them of their humanity.

(From Chelsea Hawkins, a native American.)

Myth: Indigenous people were historically peaceful and tribes tended to get along.

Reality: Um…no. People are people, and tribal governments are still governments. There was still war, there was still bloodshed, and there was and remains a great deal of animosity between certain tribal groups.When we buy into these stereotypes and misconceptions, we actually fail to recognize the complexity of intertribal relationships. I'm not sure why people seem to think that indigenous people lived in an alternative universe of hippie-free-love, nonviolence, and socialism, but I've rolled my eyes so many times at this caricature, that I'm pretty sure they're stuck in the back of my skull.

As long as it makes guilty white liberals feel better about themselves, I'm sure they won't mind.

After that we assume white privilege because of course we do and are instructed as to what it means.

"It's good stuff you get that you didn't earn that you get just because you look white."

That vaguely literate statement is from someone with a "Dr." in front of their name having received her doctorate in "curriculum and teaching" and not it would appear vocabulary and sentence structure.

She wrote a book called, "(Un)knowing Diversity: Researching Narratives of Neocolonial Classrooms through Youth's Testimonios (Critical Qualitative Research)," which if you can't tell from the title is written in that erudite style known as "academic gibberish."

Now that you understand multiculturalist education from a multicultural point of view the better to enhance multiculturalism in our multicultural world, let's move on.

Attendees are then forced to sit through a couple of videos (we do not appear to have access to those) one of whom is from Ibram X. Kendi.

In case you don't know who he is, this is Ibram X. Kendi.

Then we get into the meat of the training.

Nice to meet you, too!

That is followed by some more slides and discussion points about your racism and then we get to "White Fragility."

This segment is based on a book called "White Fragility" by Robin DeAngelo. I wrote a review of it before I started writing here. You can read the whole thing here, but my summation should suffice:

  • Explicitly racist.
  • Dehumanizing.
  • Reductionist.
  • Condescending to both whites and blacks alike.
  • Lays bare deeply held self-hatred of author leaving reader feeling awkward and not knowing what to say.

I don't feel the need to add more.

Again, this is presented as established fact, but that's not the most disturbing thing about this particular slide, or for that matter, the whole presentation.

It's all couched in race, we know that, and racists gonna racist.

But they are essentially tying race to culture. It's "white culture."

But, it's not. It's Western European culture. The race of Western Europeans happens to be white, but I don't believe the country's foundational principles of individuality, self-reliance, liberty, and the like, are a product of their skin color or genetics. That's pure happenstance.

But by tying culture to race, and then creating tribalist resentment based on race, towards the culture, you effectively attack the culture.

That's the real goal.

"White culture and white racialized identity refer to the way that white people, their culture, customs, and beliefs operate as the standard by which all other groups are compared."

It's not white culture, it's western culture, and yes, the culture, customs, and beliefs do operate as a standard, but not by which all other "groups" are compared, but by which all other individuals are compared.

That's not to say western culture is perfect or hasn't been enriched by the influx and influence of others, but these are the same people who reject such enrichment from one culture to another as "cultural appropriation."

As far as evidence goes, if you can call it that, it is purely outcome based and on its own proves nothing.

There are many reasons why this is, and black thought leaders have much to say about it, the most recent, and one of the most courageous, being Candace Owens who routinely cites "progressive" policies and the disintegration of the black family structure as leading causes for the difference in results.

You can add Larry Elder, Shelby Steele, Thomas Sowell, and a host of others as well.

James Lindsay, who is at the forefront at battling Critical Race Theory from which such nonsense draws its power and credibility, wrote a piece called, "Eight Big Reasons Critical Race Theory Is Terrible for Dealing with Racism." The entire thing is worth your time, but I want to focus on one point:

  • "Believes science, reason, and evidence are a "white" way of knowing and that storytelling and lived experience is a "black" alternative, which hurts everyone, especially black people."

That's the real battle, that's the real culture war, and it is to everyone's benefit to remember that.

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