San Francisco police are dressing like giant chickens to issue traffic violations
· Sep 18, 2024 ·

Some might wonder why it takes so long to get a police response when you're in significant danger in the Bay Area. Well, I think I've found out why they can never make it to crime scenes on time.

They're too busy being chickens. And I don't mean cowards, I mean they're literally dressed as chickens trying to catch cars who won't yield to pedestrians at crosswalks.

Take a look (I'm not joking):

That's right. San Francisco's finest are out on the streets dressed in giant chicken costumes to entrap drivers that won't slow down at crosswalks.

Lt. Jonathan Ozol wore a flamboyant, inflatable chicken costume as he attempted to navigate a crosswalk.

The idea was that they would be issued a $400 ticket if they did not yield to the pedestrian.

Ozol made sure to give drivers ample time to see him, usually entering the crosswalk when an oncoming motorist was about 200 feet away.

'If you don't see someone in a giant chicken costume, then we really have a problem,' he said.

Officers guess that the exercise pulls in about 30 to 40 citations ($12,000-$16,000) each time they perform it. They've done the exercise five other times, including one where the officers dressed as Big Bird.

Now, I'm all for pedestrian safety. No one wants to see anyone go splat on some speeding moron's windshield, and this whole set up is kind of hilarious.

But I can't believe they're wasting time and resources on this when there's still an ongoing crime wave in the city.

Stop being such chickens, fellas!

Get out there and protect and serve!

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