School District In California Fights Back Against Newsom's Vax Mandate In Schools
· Dec 23, 2021 ·

Parents and schools are fighting back!

The Oakdale Joint unified School District in California absolutely smacks back at Gavin Newsom's mandate for teachers and students to all be vaccinated in school with a resolution to NOT follow the governor's orders.

This group of parents, teachers, and citizens gets it.

I'll highlight a few major points from their resolution:

"WHEREAS, Oakdale Joint Unified School District, and all other California School Districts already struggle to find qualified employees... and the COVID-19 vaccine requirement is likely to create more open jobs (with about 35% of OJUSD employees are unvaccinated); and

WHEREAS, OJUSD supports local control and decision making; and

WHEREAS, Additionally, a mandate such as this appears to discriminate against people of of color disproportionately; therefore creating radial, ethnic, and philosophical issues with the mandate, as evidenced by ethnic breakdown of COVID-19 vaccination rates referenced by CPHH; and

WHEREAS, OJUSD public schools have operated in-person learning safely since reopening in fall of 2020...

WHEREAS, OJUSD parents have expressed concerns regarding the lack of research on long-term impacts on children for the COVID-19 vaccine;

Point after point, directed right at the governor's insane policy.

There's a teacher shortage, we support local decision making, we've been safe since fall of 2020 without these rules, parents are concerned, and oh, by the way, the policy is racist.

This group of folks takes no prisoners.

The school district goes on to resolve to ask Newsom to reverse his decision.

And then, they also resolve to continue with their policy regardless.

They will not deny education, and they will not deny employment based on vaccine status.

The board:

"Believes that parental choice regarding health decisions is absolutely essential."

It is possible to stand up to tyranny. It just takes a little bit of courage.

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