The Securities and Exchange Commission is expected to begin forcing publicly traded companies to release "climate disclosures". This means that companies would have to report on how they are fighting climate change or reducing emissions in order to be traded.
In this video, the SEC's chief economist, Jessica Watcher, discusses the plan:
The Commission is considering imposing rules to enhance and standardize "climate disclosure." These proposals would require public companies to provide in their registration statements and annual reports certain information on risks that climate imposes to short, medium, and long-term financial performance and on steps the company plans to take to mitigate this risk.
Such as: an internal carbon price, if there is one, scenario analysis if the company does it, transition plans, if the company has them, or targets, is the company has set them.
Public companies would also disclose governance around climate issues.
Yeah, so the United States is going to punish companies, fining them or preventing them from trading, if they don't put out statements on climate risk and how their company plans to fight climate change.
If you do not buy into the climate hoax then your company will be punished.

Watcher goes on:
Besides the disclosure on risks and the company's response, the proposed rules would require disclosure on current financial impacts and on current expenditures due to climate related events and transition activities.
Finally, the rule would require disclosure about the carbon footprint.
The United States government, through the bureaucracy at the SEC, is going to force companies to go "green."
This will be absolutely deadly for smaller companies that can't afford to adopt these ideological policies.
Forcing a political goal of green energy is not the job of the federal government.
But more of this is coming very soon.
Just check out this story we shared where Glenn Beck breaks down the coming "ESG" scores for companies and individuals.
The E stands for environmental.
This is the first step on the road to complete state control of all our lives.
P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐